Released Grandma 2 Version 3.1.2, New Pixel Mapper, Unicast Artnet, Scripting Language Support
Last Week Ma Lighting has released long awaited Version 3.1.8 of their Lighting Control Software. Here you can Download the new Software: Grandma 2 3.1.8 Console Grandma 2 3.1.8 OnPC Grandma 3D 3.1.8 VPU 3.1.8 (Free to use in Demo Mode) Most notable Features are: Grandma 2 3.1.8 Pixelmapper/Warper setup in Grandma Software Increased the…

How to get a 2nd Programmer in Grandma2 for free, Macro Quicktip
The Everyday Life as a programmer Most of the times we work in pretty stressful environments, as lighting designers, and things are not always perfect or ideal. People ask us to quickly strike them some discharge lamps so that they are able to focus them, others may need some light for their construction, now…

Festival Lighting Design Tests with Capture Argo.
“When I was a kid, it seemed like they made something new every day. Some, gadget or idea, like every day was Christmas” New Tools are showing up in with their insanely performance to contest the ones that have always been there, this time its a tool from the fine Swedish Company Capture, the…

Neue Highpoly Lampen Modelle zur Bibliothek hinzugefügt.
Neues tut sich in der Highpoly Library von Schindler Lichtdesign. Wir haben unseren Katalog um 4 neue Modelle, Mac 3 Profil/Performance und Mac 3 AirFX Quadarray, erweitert. Die Modelle im .3ds Format, liegen in 2 Qualität Stufen vor. Somit sind schnelle Renderings mit sehr präzisen Ergebnissen gegeben, oder wenn es mal genau passen muss aber…