Get your fingers ready for the new MA Hardware with our 4K GrandMA3 Command Layout
Hello Folks,
summer holidays are ending, embargoes are getting loftier and every where around us we can see fancy shiny new consoles popping up.
I know all of you are super eager to get your hands on the new MA-Lighting Hardware, and feel how super smooth the buttons are, and how colorful you can let the faders shine, but once all this aura of new hardware has passed you will see yourself considered with a new learning gap and also your hands wont feel at home anymore as all the buttons have moved to different locations now.
But fear not, we started a new project a while ago and today, i am lucky enough to share some of the things we worked on with you. Keep your eyes and ears open for this new project, hopefully i can speak about it in like a month or so… i dont know yet tho, lets see.
However we are currently looking for beta testers, so if you feel like you have the time for helping us with this project, let us know in the comments and create an account, we contact you with further information and add you to the list.
But lets not waste more time, here is the layout of our grandma 3 project. This will be exactly how the buttons will be layedout on the Fullsize and Light Consoles as well as the Command Wings, all will be similar, so if you like to get your muscle memory up to par to the new hardware, there you go ;)
Enjoy and remember, sharing is caring.

I want to be in the project !!
hey, nice!
make yourself an account on the page, and you will be kept in the loop.
Much appreciated.
It’s look great.
Want to be part of this project please .
cool dude,
create yourself a account and we stay in contact.
+1 Beta Tester
nice, welcome on board :)
Hi Andi,
I also want to be part of your project.
welcome to the team.
Great work on the lay-out! If you need more beta-testers count me in!
sure, you are noted down, great thanks!
Love to beta test for you. Send me the info!
hey, lets shine the lxes then…
Hi! I want to be a part of this project as a beta tester!
hey lars, nice thanks for that!
All done and registered
nice, hey john welcome on board
Thanks for you detail
good job
sure enjoy it
I’ll make an account now. Count me in!
hey jason,
thanks for your commitment, welcome on board.
Would love to be a beta tester. Account created!
hey nick!
nice to have you here.
I’ll play along.
hey sean, welcome to the team.
I would love to be a part of the project. Thank you!
hey matt,
nice to have you here.
soon soon.
Not sure What I am about to sign up for, but count me in. :D
so far you have not signed up for anything :)
and actually you wont, its gonna be a game like thing.
maybe you cant exactly call it a game in the regular sense of a game, but its gonna be fun and competitive.
Tach Andi,
I also want to be part of your project.
der Janbert
moin jan,
good to know, developing is comming along nicely so far, maybe in 2 weeks we will be ready to make announcements.
Would love to be a beta tester. Account created!
Hey Mao,
great welcome to the team.
I would love to be a part of this beta test
Hi reinold,
great to see you are interested!
Hi Andi,
Would be great to help you with your project ;)
hi m-lux, very welcome!
I’d love to help out in any way I can! Thanks!!
hey matt!
great to have you here!
It’s look great.
Want to be part of this project please .
Hello Andreas, is there still place on board? :-)
Falls noch Interesse an Testern besteht bin ich gerne behilflich. LG