Mountain Canvas

“When I was a kid, it seemed like they made something new every day. Some, gadget or idea, like every day was Christmas” New Tools are showing up in with their insanely performance to contest the ones that have always been there, this time its a tool from the fine Swedish Company Capture, the…
Together with we are further improving the already stunning capability of the current state of the Stage Tool. Stage improves my workflow extremely, i do not need to worry about childing connections of Light to Mesh, and i do have all my creative tools right at hand, let it be dimmers gobos or even…
Last Week Ma Lighting has released long awaited Version 3.1.8 of their Lighting Control Software. Here you can Download the new Software: Grandma 2 3.1.8 Console Grandma 2 3.1.8 OnPC Grandma 3D 3.1.8 VPU 3.1.8 (Free to use in Demo Mode) Most notable Features are: Grandma 2 3.1.8 Pixelmapper/Warper setup in Grandma Software Increased the…
Hantmade’s Stage Tool, (currently in open Beta), is a wonderful Design Tool that helps Hardproofe your Stage Design Ideas and manage you Assets Easily. Let it be Stage Decks, Chain Hoists, Trusses or of course Lighting Equipment, Stage can handle it with a smile. Hantmade has also gone the extra mile for working hand in…
Im Juli 2014 feierte die Messe Nürnberg 40. Geburtstag. Gleichzeitig wurde die neue Halle 3a der Messe Gruppe feierlich eingeweiht. Schindler Lichtdesign wurde mit seinem Team von der Pave Gmbh mit der Umsetzung, Planung und der Ausschreibung des Lichtdesigns beauftragt. Das gesamte System bestand aus Geräten der Firma Ma Lighting, verwendet wurde unter anderem: …