Personal Render Demo
Tools: Cinema 4D Photoshop
Tools: Cinema 4D Photoshop
Today there will be just a quick update as we a preparing to make some big announcements soon. i can only advise you to stay tuned, there will be something big comming up.
Client: Adidas Auftraggeber: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Pave gmbh, wurde ein mögliches Konzept für einen Messestand von Adidas entwickelt. Verwendete Lampen: 48 Leuchtstoffröhren 18 SGM P5 24 Vl3000 Wash
Client : Private Agency
Hantmade’s Stage Tool, (currently in open Beta), is a wonderful Design Tool that helps Hardproofe your Stage Design Ideas and manage you Assets Easily. Let it be Stage Decks, Chain Hoists, Trusses or of course Lighting Equipment, Stage can handle it with a smile. Hantmade has also gone the extra mile for working hand in…
Lighting 351 x Ayrton Magicpanel FX 112 x Ayrton Ghiblis 64 x Ayrton Mistrals 60 x Ayrton Nandobeam S6 30 x Ayrton Magic Dot SX 96 x Ayrton Minipanel FX 36 x Portman Lights P1 14 x Portman Lights P3 68 x Philips Vari*Lite WashBeams 17 x ROBE RoboSpot Clay Paky Fixture…
A Band contacted me for making a Stage Design for their upcoming Festival Tour. This is one of the First Shots that made it to the Clients Ideas, after some nights of trial and error Lighting Design. Will be looking forward to see this Rig Hanging at some Shows. Tools that supported me, Stage…