Positivity Wallpaper

Introduction Today we are releasing our, Full Release of Inhouse Icon Library, we here use this Library for almost all TV/Musical Work that we do. Most of the time we do the design and programming for TV Shows and Musicals in a way that almost every body can run the shows. So our clients…
The Everyday Life as a programmer Most of the times we work in pretty stressful environments, as lighting designers, and things are not always perfect or ideal. People ask us to quickly strike them some discharge lamps so that they are able to focus them, others may need some light for their construction, now…
Following up on the last tutorial, Free Second Programmer in Grandma 2. I pick up on the technic i’ve used there, and show you a way to display the store mode you are currently in inside of your macro. It might be useful to you or not, but still you can learn a lot from this…
Hello Folks, summer holidays are ending, embargoes are getting loftier and every where around us we can see fancy shiny new consoles popping up. I know all of you are super eager to get your hands on the new MA-Lighting Hardware, and feel how super smooth the buttons are, and how colorful you can let…
Hi, today we are releasing, (with a little bit of delay from our usual release cycle) another MA Lighting Ready Bitmap pack. What you get 44 unique Clips that run at 30fps, beat matched to 60bpm, that go fully tron about the design, neon graphical high contrast shapes that morph organically. 20 clips are continuously…
In modern Shows it can quite often come to situations where it would add alot to the immersion of the show if certain components would interactively work together, such as lights and video cues. One of thees settings can also be Powerpoint animation in huge Corporate Environments. A recent event lead me to write this…